Tuesday, November 4, 2008

First time VOTER!

I must say it felt great to walk into a lit room, grab a ballot, and start filling in circles. However, the mood died somewhat when the lady at the table shouted, "first timer everybody!! Yay that's so great!" as she broke out in a joyous applause. I was a tad bit embarrassed, but managed to give a smile and a bow. I then ran for cover in my booth. Everyone was half asleep in the building so I had that going for me. 

So here's to you Miss Morning Glory with your ballot in hand waiting to be taken. You are my inspiration, and I will wear my 'I voted' sticker proudly. You're also a reminder that Starbucks is giving out free coffee today. Obviously Miss Glory passed through the line a few times before 7:00am this morning. 

1 comment:

terri said...

congrats first time voter :) everyone has a first time ;0