I was looking up plays, ballets, and comedy acts in our area. I researched a few and thought I'd check out ticket prices and seat options. I flew through Ticketmaster clicking on every show that looked like fun. One in particular I was very interested in, so I went ahead to check prices. I got all the way to the part where they ask you to enter a 'secret code' before proceeding. Apparently it's a word code that computers can't read or something like that. Well, I couldn't read it either. FOUR TIMES!! I capitalized every letter, and even got an inch away from my screen trying to read it! Each time I failed a new, very red, sentence appeared saying "I'm sorry that's incorrect, that is not the right code" and a new just as tough 'word jumble' would show up. They had so many squiggles behind the letters it looked like the alphabet threw up its spaghetti.
I never found out pricing. Maybe it was a good thing. I got a great laugh out of myself. All I know is if you leave me a comment on this...be sure to get the word verification right. ;) The one above I thought was extremely hilarious.
Does that say what I think it says, Extra Poop!!!!
Yes, some of those things are almost impossible to read!!
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