Monday, November 3, 2008


On November 15th 2008 something awesome is taking place. The RUN FOR MERCY 5k & FAMILY WALK. Mercy Ministries is a non-profit organization that meets the needs of woman suffering from addiction, self-harm, abusive relationship patterns, depression, and eating disorders. You guys have to check this out at  If you'd like to sponsor the run, please visit the site and click on Sponsorship. If you don't plan on sponsoring not a problem! Click on it anyway. It gives a whole bunch of information on the ministry. Root for team Ephesians 2:8! ;) I'm sure they'll need it. That and a new pair-a shoes. 


terri said...

I will be rooting for you :) so who is on the team?? Great name for the team by the way!!!

Jessica & Jeremy said...

just me. ;) Figured that verse fit the cause.