Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Ugly Sweater Party!!!

What a fun night we had. Complete with fake play-doh cookies (nice try Sam & Mo). Thank you Ashley for the heads up on those. I also found a sock in my purse at the end of the night. Our ornament exchange was great and of course the food was awesome, I love you girls!!!

The ugly sweater bunch ;)

Kitchen fun

We played a hilarious game of 'psychiatrist'. Melissa's Santa sweater won the most votes. Mostly due to the fact it had a massive hole in it. Right on Santa's mouth. ;)

Robin and her 'bow'

Helen Keller...aka Winston the poor deaf blind dog

Shown' off the sweaters

1 comment:

Myrna said...

OHMYGOSH! What a GREAT idea! The ugly sweater party-lol!! I may steal --ahem--borrow that idea next year! I recognized Robin--are these the gals in your Bible Study? It's nice to put faces with the names...!
Christmas Blessings to you and Jeremy!
Love you guys!