Thursday, November 20, 2008

My heart just broke

Read this updated story of what's happening in Congo. It's so hard to read. To think that today I was worried about how much gas was in the car, deadlines I have to meet, and how hungry I am. Unbelievable. I see words like 'Machetes' and 'children' in the same sentence and I cringe. 

Be strong and take heart all you who hope in the Lord. 
Psalm 31:23-24


Apryl Kuhn said...

I got an email today about another horrible situation going on in India. This kind of turmoil just doesn't even register on our radar here in America. Ever seen "Hotel Rwanda?"

Jessica & Jeremy said...

I haven't heard about India? You'd think there would be some exposure to our 'world' and not just our 'world we've consumed ourselves in'. I have only seen bits of Hotel Rwanda. Heard it's pretty heart-wrenching.